Monday, May 04, 2009

5 days past 3 day transfer = 8DPO

It's 8DPO and I'm feeling good! I had some cramping this AM. I'm hoping that it was implantation cramping! Other symptom is tender breast, but that could be because of the hormone support I'm on.

Good news...The nurse from the RE called to say that two of our remaining embryos made it to Day 5 or 6 and were frozen! Hopefully, this cycle will work and we will have the two snow bubs available if we want to try again.

I'm tempted to test this weekend at 4 weeks even, but DH wants me to wait until 5/14 for the beta blood test. It will be hard, but I'll try. If we are successful our EDD will be 1/17/10!


  1. I had a 3dt 7days ago and got a faint positive one two hpt this morning.
    We only tranfered one 10 cell grade 4
    So HAPPY

  2. I too had one 10cell grade 4 tranfered, and I am pregnat ..........
