Monday, June 22, 2009

I'm here

I'm still here. I have been on blog hiatus for a few weeks. I just didn't want to do or think about anything associated with IVF or my sucky fertility. So, here I am in the beginnings of getting my mind straight and back on track. Thank you for words of encouragement and support!

Since, the failure of IVF#2, I haven't done much but try to keep my emotional state as well as can be. I was feeling much better, but a week or so ago started to become real grumpy. Hopefully it is just PMS.

I finally called the RE office back and told them my LMP which was 6/3. They asked for it after my last Methotrexate shot. I also set up a telephone f/u with my RE (he is in Ireland). I would like to try for a FET in August. We shall see. We are going to transfer one embryo at a time, so that the risk for twins is almost nill. It was a nice thought to possibly have twins, but DH and I have found ourselves totally against the idea. If it happens from one embryo, we will be thrilled - but we won't be the ones to promote it.

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