Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Under the weather

On Sunday, I started coming down with a cold. I'm hoping that it passes soon. I stayed home today and did lots of sleeping!

Nothing much going on the IVF front. We are suppose to call the doc in a couple of days when AF is due, but I think we may wait until my next period to put the embies back. We have a few events, during the month of August, that make it difficult. We have a couple of weddings, my and DS's birthday, and vacation. So, that would put our next cycle at the end of August. DS will be going back to school and our schedule will be back on track.

I am starting to get re-energized re: IVF. The doctor said that because I'm in my 20s and have carried a baby to term that our chances are great. This last transfer resulted in a miscarriage, but that could have happened to anyone I suppose. I am going to give IVF my best shot and if it doesn't work out then it doesn't, but I'm not going to throw in the towel just yet. After last cycle, I wanted to quit, but I'm trying to hang in there.

On a positive note, I have lost a few pounds. Since, becoming sick maybe a couple more. Hopefully in the morning I will feel better and will have some energy to exercise.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Positive thoughts

It seems like I have so many highs and lows. The past two weeks have been low. Then I woke up this morning with energy and a more positive outlook. Why? I don't know exactly. It could have been the loving I got last night..hehe....or just me being tired of being sick and tired of the ups and downs. I got up this morning - w/out an alarm - earlier than normal, put my kicks on, and ran for the treadmill. I energetically exercised for 45 minutes - running mostly! - to some of my favorite tunes. After that I stretched and quietly meditated. Ever since then, I have been in a much healthier place. I can't wait to get home and do something else to expend some energy, maybe swim! I even scheduled a vacation for our anniversary in February and am planning a two week trip to Europe for next July 10'. If we have another baby on the way, of course that would change. But, until that happens, we are going to live for now. I am tired of staying in limbo. I was in limbo three years ago and nothing has changed since. Time to start living like the young 20's family that we are.